NWWC Broadway in the Basement FINAL

This event is by reservation only (only 100 seats) for a lovely afternoon where our chorale singers sing THEIR fav Broadway tunes to raise funds for the opportunity to have a composer create a song just for us.  A commission!    

$40 paid to NWWC gets you in, serenated, fed, and a drink!   From 2PM to 4 PM.   Let US entertain you!  Email MarySue@cabledfiber.com, and mail a check to our PO Box, made out to NWWC.    PO Box 72, Port Angeles, WA.  98362.   When check received, we'll contact you!


From a Fan:

I wouldn't miss a NorthWest Women's Chorale concert.

Every spring and winter, I look forward to amazing women singing with heart.

They present musical selections above and beyond the ordinary.

At each concert, I expect to be moved emotionally, challenged by complexity,

and inspired by simple sound presented beautifully.  I have not been disappointed.

Plan to come to a concert and be inspired by lovely music.

Joey Olson 

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